Air Aware Labs lands

Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter - we are excited to start bringing Air Aware Labs to the real world!

Louise Thomas
February 16, 2024

Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter - we are excited to start bringing Air Aware Labs to the real world! This newsletter is aimed at investors, collaborators, future hires and early adopters of our products.

Our mission at Air Aware Labs is to provide personalised health insights from air pollution data. While targeted advice to reduce exposure to air pollution is recognised as an important health protection measure, there is a gap in robust real-world tools. We aim to fill that gap.


Hot off the press

  • we had our first semi-public pitching session last week. Thank you to Amanda Vine Jeremy Clark Katie Alesbury Eleanor Akers Simon Brown Jessica Taylor for your feedback!
  • in this pitch we announced a new design pilot with a leading micro-mobility company. This will enable us to get baseline data on people's movements, connect these to health outcomes and test what effect air pollution information has on behavioural change. We are beyond excited to kick this off!
  • we've put in a bid for a grant to the UKRI Innovate Enhanced Clean Air Innovation Trials. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed.


Go with us towards clean air


Meet the team

This week we are meeting Daniel Harris, our Chief Product Officer. Dan is a mission-driven leader with a rich background in product design and service management. Dan has vast experience at Digitas, Fjord, Accenture, EY and SSE Energy Solutions. He has collaborated with Samaritans, Public Health England and HCA Healthcare. Dan's focus on strategic interventions and behaviour change is a crucial element of Air Aware Labs' founding team's skill set. He is a sought-after speaker, covering his Google-sponsored customer-centricity research with large audiences. Dan has a young family and is also running the marathon so has a very personal reason to tackle air pollution.


Get in touch

Please follow Air Aware Labs to stay in touch with our progress. If anything in this newsletter has piqued your interest, please send me (Louise Thomas) or William Hicks a message!


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