Air Aware Labs takes off

Welcome to the fourth edition of our newsletter, which has been flying off the stands!

Louise Thomas
March 1, 2024

Welcome to the fourth edition of our newsletter, which has been flying off the stands! This newsletter is aimed at investors, collaborators, future hires and early adopters of our products.

Air pollution is a 24/7 problem and we're not getting much sleep working out how to tackle it! It affects us from the moment we lace up our running shoes, through our daily commutes, taking our children to school, inside our homes, and as we navigate our workspaces. It causes 6 million sick days each year in the UK alone. Globally it is holding back GDP by 6%. Air Aware Labs is on a mission to reduce personal exposure for everyone, all the time.


Hot off the press

  • we’ve recently launched our new website - Check it out and please give us some feedback
  • Louise pitched on Tuesday night to Launch Club Capital's event for female founders and got some great feedback
  • we've published our first set of results from user interviews, focused on families. We were taken by the contrast between 87% of parents and carers surveyed being at least somewhat concerned about air quality and yet over 50% feeling uninformed.


Go with us towards clean air


Meet the team

This week we are meeting Yiqun Han, our Chief Medical Officer. Yiqun is a dedicated researcher at Imperial College London, specialising in the interdisciplinary realms of medicine and environmental science. Holding a Bachelor of Medicine and a PhD in air pollution and human health, his research interests centre around assessing environmental stressors on a personal level and understanding the health impacts across diverse populations. With rich experience in large-scale epidemiological projects across varied environments from Europe to China/Africa, Yiqun has authored over 40 peer-reviewed publications. He's deeply passionate about advocating public awareness and driving behaviour change towards cleaner environments and better health – a key focus at Air Aware Labs.


Get in touch

Please follow Air Aware Labs to stay in touch with our progress. If anything in this newsletter has piqued your interest, please send me (Louise Thomas) or William Hicks a message!


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