Air Aware Labs gets the benefit

Welcome to the twentieth edition of our newsletter - as we get our AirTrack product listed as an employee benefit, for the school run and via influencers. And all while Will completes the Lisbon marathon - his AirTracking is above! This newsletter is aimed at investors, collaborators, future hires and early adopters of our products.

Louise Thomas
October 11, 2024

Welcome to the twentieth edition of our newsletter - as we get our AirTrack product listed as an employee benefit, for the school run and via influencers. And all while Will completes the Lisbon marathon - his AirTracking is above! This newsletter is aimed at investors, collaborators, future hires and early adopters of our products.

Last edition we looked at the impact of air pollution on pregnancy. This week we have been talking about the impact on male fertility with our new friends at Jack Fertility. A recent Danish study has provided even more evidence of the impact of exposure to fine particulate matter on fertility levels. Even a moderate increase in long-term exposure can result in a 24% increased risk of infertility. And that has multiple knock on effects, including on mental health as we explored in our article yesterday. We aim to raise awareness of this and offer solutions to reduce that exposure. Please join us on our mission - Personalising Air Quality, for everyone.


Hot off the press

  • we will shortly be listed as part of the Heka employee wellbeing platform. This is the start of our quest to bring AirTrack to everyone, as well as support employers with productivity and wider goals such as low-carbon commuting and active travel. We should be announcing more such offers shortly!
  • Louise became a guinea pig at Hotbed Founders' Camp, as the Air Aware Labs website was put through a live audit from Blue Array | SEO Agency of the Year. Many items to action, so look out for improvements
  • we are building our public presence, with three significant Strava athletes using our premium product (who have a total of 42,500 instagram followers), as well as leading trailrunner MJ setting himself his own air quality challenge. We are now listed as part of the Camden Year of Clean Air for Schools, as a resource for parents.


Go with us towards clean air


Meet the founder

This week, our Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Louise Thomas provides her thoughts on building Air Aware Labs.

Louise says: Having the opportunity to build a company tackling a huge passion of mine is an enormous privilege. I knew I wanted to tackle the gap in data available to people to protect themselves from air pollution, but I had no idea how, until a year ago when I started this entrepreneurial journey. The learning has been immense and I am so grateful to be surrounded by an amazing team and sharing the experience with Will. I never thought I would experience the levels of support I have had as I transition from public to private sector. Knowing there are so many people, both near and far, who want you to succeed is a huge driver to keep pushing on.


Get in touch

Please follow Air Aware Labs to stay in touch with our progress. If anything in this newsletter has piqued your interest, please send me (Louise Thomas) or William Hicks a message! You can also email us at


More newsletters

Although the Venture Builder has finished, we will never forget our fellow ZINC teams.  Please read and subscribe to newsletters of others in cohort 7: