We are Air Aware Labs

We are thrilled to bring you the second edition of our newsletter, fresh from the innovation hub that is now officially Air Aware Labs.

Louise Thomas
February 2, 2024

We are thrilled to bring you the second edition of our newsletter, fresh from the innovation hub that is now officially Air Aware Labs. This is aimed at investors, collaborators, future hires and early adopters of our products.

The data doesn't lie – air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to our health, yet it often escapes our daily considerations. Consider the athlete who meticulously plans every meal, selects the perfect running gear, down to the socks, but overlooks the quality of air they breathe – an element as crucial to performance as any training regimen. Similarly, children's daily walks to school are often clouded by invisible air pollution. Our mission at Air Aware Labs is straightforward: to empower every individual with the knowledge and the ability to access clean air.


Hot off the press

  • we've had a rebrand since our launch! We are now Air Aware Labs, and officially incorporated. The term "Labs" resonates deeply with us. During William Hicks’ (co-founder & CSO) research career at Imperial College, he spent hours in air quality labs - usually next to heavily trafficked streets - collecting and analysing data. Now, we're focusing that rigorous scientific pursuit into an innovative startup
  • we've established a panel of elite and professional sportspeople who train and compete outdoors. Insights from these wonderful (superhuman) individuals will help us build a solution that will enhance performance and reduce health risks
  • we've had massive help over the past fortnight from the extraordinary ZINC fellows. Huge thanks to Melissa Menke Andy Crouch Simon Brown Amanda Vine Nick Tate Clare Scully, PhD Niaz Rizwani Dan Hardy Olivia Sibony Adesola Adebowale


Go with us towards clean air

  • we're looking for innovative, enlightened corporate partners. We are focused on healthcare, insurance, active travel and fitness sectors. Please contact us!
  • we'll shortly start to review the feedback from our popular survey aimed at families. We'll also be conducting some follow up interviews. This will support our engagement with healthcare and travel sectors. Still time to complete the survey!
  • we are conducting our first pitch next Wednesday evening at the Zinc event for fellows - come see us in action! (And give us feedback - good, bad and ugly!)


Meet the team

This week we are meeting Louise Thomas, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer. Louise has two decades working in international policy making and global leadership, from her work in the UK government.  She has built up expertise, knowledge and connections on air pollution over the past five years, working at community level with local schools in Brixton.  For the past year she has been part of the Breathe London network, working closely with Imperial College on getting better data to Londoners.  She brings a deep passion, strong drive and international reach to her new role as CEO and co-founder of Air Aware Labs.


Get in touch

Please follow Air Aware Labs to stay in touch with our progress. If anything in this newsletter has piqued your interest, please send me (Louise Thomas) or William Hicks a message!


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